James turrell mass moca
James turrell mass moca

james turrell mass moca

This absolute deconstruction of the way we humans perceive the space that immediately surrounds us has a very sublime effect, both beautiful and frightening. The piece creates an awe-inspiring illusion of endless space both nothingness and everything at the same time. This extra chamber is not accessible, with only a square-shaped gap through which to view it. After closer inspection, it turns out not to be a flat wall, but instead a perfectly rectangular hole in the wall that leads into another chamber.

james turrell mass moca

The only light source to be found are two stage lights emitting subtle pink light onto what appears it be a white wall. In Pink Mist (Space Division), the viewer must walk down a winding darkened hallway, into an almost pitch black room.

james turrell mass moca

These rooms of pure light are gorgeous yet sublime. But the sculptures and minor illusions are mere mental chewing gum in comparison to his larger, more involved architectural spaces. In it, Escher creates an optical illusion of infinite descending staircases, which seem to have directly inspired some of Turrell’s architectural models. Escher’s work, specifically the famous lithograph Relatively. The layout of the interior of these sculptures are reminiscent of M.C. The sculptures are of interesting yet mind-boggling architectural models of strange buildings and interior spaces, and feel almost alien in the way they manipulate the viewer’s sense of space, especially at such a tangibly small scale. This subtle spatial intrusion and warping of the viewer’s perception creates a deeply subconscious reaction. The illusion breaches the surface and invades the viewer’s space, warping and shifting as the one moves around it. Some of his most interesting optical illusions are in his “Reflective Hologram” series, which use a flat surface to reflect light to create the illusion of a three-dimensional chromatic shape. His exhibition Into the Light at MASS MoCA features a collection of sculptures, interior spaces, and optical illusions that focus on manipulating the viewer’s perception. MacArthur Foundation in 1984, as well as the National Medal of Arts in 2013. He even received the coveted ‘Genius’ award from John D. He has been prominently featured in many solo exhibitions in reputable venues such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., Centre Georges Pompidou in France, National Gallery of Australia in Canberra, among many more. Turrell is a world famous artist and architect who applies his psychology and mathematics background to his work. While slightly hindered by the labyrinth-like venue, the mind-numbing wait to see certain works, and the lack of educational value, Into the Light is an extraordinary exhibition that must not be missed. James Turrell doesn’t just deconstruct light, but the very nature of seeing. The artwork on display is jaw-dropping both visually and intellectually. James Turrell’s Into the Light exhibition at MASS MoCA is a must-see exhibition.

James turrell mass moca